Monday, May 2, 2016

My Demographic

Being a millennial has its ups and its downs. Most of the downs however come in the form of the massive amounts of stereotypes that usually accompany those also born around the same time I was. Stereotypes like, being very narcissistic and cynical, or being the sole generation responsible for the texting and driving epidemic. Or even the accusations of being lazy drifters who don't want to settle down anytime soon or invest in the countries economy.

I would like to speak out against these stereotypes and say that I think that I retain some values from generation X because of the way I was brought up. Unlike the stereotypes suggest, I believe that I am a very humble and hard working man. I find that in order to achieve something great you must work for it. Nothing good should ever get handed to you without having to work towards it. Everything you received should be well earned. With this ideology I believe that I can maintain an honest and motivated work ethic. When it comes to material things however I would have to partially agree with the stereotype of millennials. I do not think that I should be so attached to certain temporary properties.I believe that items can be replaced but should not be replaced if still in good working order. At the end of the day stereotypes are just that, they are mere labels and I don't think they can truly describe how a group of people acts. In my personal opinion I think labels should stay where they belong, on cans.

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